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The Best Website in the Whole Entire World!


Hey, if you really cared about me, you would go and sign my guestbook right now. If you don't really care about me you're still going to go sign my guestbook......NOW!!!

This is Simple Plan
This page was created the 28th of February 2002
1/03/2002-Updated all pics and every other place

Please sign my guestbook!


This is my website pretty much dedicated to my favourite bands that include Simple Plan, Mest, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, NoFX, Sugarcult, Fenix TX, Green Day, MxPx, The Ataris and many more!

This site was last updated March 28th 2002

What is you favourite song?
Hey guys, take my poll on favourite songs, k?

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The new Blink cd cover-->

Shawali! Where are you and why aren't you e-mailing me?? Check out the "about me and other stuff too" page, I wrote you some stuff there, k? Have fun, I miss you!