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Surfing Pictures

Snow Job 2002

Favorite Links

Ok, I have so so many favourite pages but I can never remeber them all!
If you want me to add your url to my site, e-mail me at keepitsimple4@hotmail.com

You're running out of time!

Actually, not you're not, I just liked the picture

My favourite sites range from music sites to quiz sites to clothes sites or friend's sites.

My Simple Plan Site Enough said....Patrick even put it on the official site
Mallerie's Site Ok, so there is a lot of stuff on here about Mallerie and you are wondering who she is, right? Well just go and check out her site. It soooooo good! *shifty eyes*

Stoked! Magazine My magazine

Cool websites
My Concert Pics Pics of concerts I've been to
Simple Plan Official Site
Much Music Canada's MTV!
MTV A good site to find music info and pics
MadTV The funniest show!
Good Charlotte Official Site
Quiksilver The site which has all the new roxy stuff and cool surfing pics with events
Snowboarding This place has some really funny stuff on it under "humour"

I doubt my links work.....